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Halloween Tips: Ways to Stay Healthy

Halloween Tips: Ways to Stay Healthy Can

Halloween is a fun time for children and adults alike. Dressing up, meeting with friends and loved ones, and celebrating all things spooky make the holiday special for many. However, it is also challenging to maintain your health goals with all temptations to indulge.

Here are some tips for a healthier Halloween while still having a good time.

Eat Beforehand

Hunger is not your friend before a night out. Skipping dinner before trick-or-treating or going to a Halloween party will tempt even those with the most discipline to over-indulge.

Instead, fill up with a hearty meal before going to a Halloween party or trick-or-treating. You can add plenty of delicious seasonal vegetables to make a fall-themed meal that can add a healthy kick, such as pumpkin, butternut squash, cabbage, and carrots.

Have Healthy Treats on Hand

If you throw a Halloween party, give your guests healthy alternatives with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. Some treats to consider:

  • Popcorn with cinnamon and sugar
  • Apple cider with cinnamon sticks
  • Baked apples and pears with cinnamon, honey, and nuts
  • Apple slices with fruit dip, such as yogurt mixed with canned pumpkin and cinnamon
  • Chocolate-covered fruit
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Pumpkin chocolate-chip cookies or muffins
  • Pumpkin and date energy balls
  • Fun Halloween-themed fruit, such as oranges that look like pumpkins or bananas that look like ghosts

Many foods of the season are delicious and packed with nutrition, such as cinnamon, pumpkins, and apples!

Get Moving

If you are taking your kids trick-or-treating, aim to have them walking instead of driving from house to house. Wear comfortable shoes, bring water and a flashlight, and set a goal of how many homes you want to visit.

For those throwing a party, encourage physical activities through fun games. A costume parade, relay race, or friendly game of Monster Tag will keep things fun.

Mind the Drinks

While most of us are aware of over-consuming candy and treats, drinks are a hidden danger. It is easier to drink too many beverages, hurting our health goals mindlessly. Both alcohol and sugary drinks pose hazards to our health when consumed excessively.

Try drinking water in between each drink to avoid overconsuming alcohol. Also, consider healthier alternatives to soda, such as sparkling water, to keep things interesting without the excess sugar.

Introduce the Switch Witch

Moderation and balance are critical to good health. If your children end up with too much candy and over-indulge in the days and weeks following the holiday, think of ways to combat it and encourage them to eat fewer sweets after Halloween.

Many parents introduce the “Switch Witch” as a fun Halloween tradition. Children put out their leftover candy on Halloween, and the Switch Witch will leave a present in return. Many kids are so excited about their gifts that they are happy to leave the sugar behind!

Have a Fun and Safe Halloween!

There are plenty of ways to have memorable and fun holidays while avoiding too much sugar. It can be a great opportunity to teach healthy habits to your child, and special treats can be an enjoyable part of life in moderation.

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